We are using octopus community step called “SQL - Deploy DACPAC” and most of the time it works fine but few time we got this error and even though the script it fine and didn’t send any error but after the release of Released worker from lease WorkerTaskLeases we get this issue. so we doubting the process of releasing the script.
for example in below step it got failed during the release of script , even the script didn’t send any error.
If you wouldn’t mind, could you upload the raw task logs from a successful SQL - Deploy DACPAC deployment as well as an unsuccessful attempt via Octopus.com -> Sign-In -> Support tab? Let me know once you do that and I’ll have a look at the logs.
Thank you for providing the logs. Unfortunately, they don’t tell us much.
If you wouldn’t mind sending over server logs that cover a time in which a “SQL - Deploy DACPAC” deployment failed, it is worth a shot to see if there might be a potential connection issue.
Otherwise, here are a few things to look at:
Try running your steps in series and not in parallel as they are now.
If you are running simultaneous deployments that utilize common network resources (such as a shared network folder), try staggering the deployments to test instead of running them all at once
Make sure the work folders are white-listed in your antivirus