I’m just setting up a chef task to install an octopus tentacle. The download link https://download.octopusdeploy.com/octopus/Octopus.Tentacle. is listed at https://octopus.com/downloads/2.4.7 as having checksum a97e0d3b7f15a20b82c38cfc0ef0f74f.
When downloaded by chef that is showing as the etag and the checksum is showing as 083c73c216bf54d98f319544e87e1f688a66799380e8d9c1b80044327d680ffb
Is this right?
This is true of the tools v2.4.5.18
Chef reports {“etag”:"“1ee2d64202cc90c1f96b3f7f78f34781"”,“mtime”:“Tue, 23 Aug 2016 07:56:08 GMT”,“checksum”:“6e2fadb326693b0c58f541858470a2f906a70951944888ba2d92858349cf964e”}
Hi Paul,
Thanks for reaching out!
I’ve just downloaded https://download.octopusdeploy.com/octopus/Octopus.Tentacle., and generated an MD5 hash of the msi, and I get the same checksum as the website lists:
matt@local:~/Downloads$ md5 Octopus.Tentacle.
MD5 (Octopus.Tentacle. = a97e0d3b7f15a20b82c38cfc0ef0f74f
Checking the SHA-256 checksum matches the one you’ve reported:
matt@local:~/Downloads$ shasum -a 256 Octopus.Tentacle.
083c73c216bf54d98f319544e87e1f688a66799380e8d9c1b80044327d680ffb Octopus.Tentacle.
Chef by default uses SHA-256 checksums, whereas we are publishing MD5 checksums. At this point, I’d suggest manually getting the SHA-256 checksum, but if want, feel free to raise a suggestion on our UserVoice site if you’d like the SHA-256 checksum published as well.
Hope that helps!