Terraform on Linux SSH Worker

Do the built in terraform steps work on Linux SSH Targets?

Im trying to get something working but running into some issues.

Hi Scott,

Thanks for getting in touch.
Unfortunately the Terraform steps are Windows only, they rely on the windows Terraform.exe cli and the steps themselves are scripted in Powershell, sorry!

As an alternative you can add a bash script that includes the Linux Terraform CLI as a package, and call the CLI commands from the bash script, but this means you have to do all the hard work!

We are slowly making Octopus more platform agnostic, if you see this has something we should prioritise please let us know by adding it to https://octopusdeploy.uservoice.com.


Thanks for getting back to me John

I don’t think i found this information anywhere in the documentation and octopus doesn’t stop me from using this set on an SSH worker.

Are the steps open source anywhere that i could contribute a linux version?

Hi Scott,

As I said before we are slowly making Octopus more platform agnostic, and you rightly point out that our documentation does not call out this.
At the moment really the only step that I can say with confidence that will work on Linux is a script step running bash.
I have created an issue to track this https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Issues/issues/5088, please provide any additional comments there.

Regarding contributing to a linux version, we currently exercise the terraform.exe via powershell scripts, so these scripts would have to be converted to bash, and then there is also the problem of the tooling we push to the target, currently we only push windows only version of the tool (terraform.exe), somehow we would need to make this platform specific, which mean we would need to know what the target platform is, we don’t know this at the moment. So what I am saying is that it would be hard for you to contribute something, sorry.

Once again, I am sorry that our story regarding running steps on linux is not ideal.


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