I was configuring a instance of octopus server and one tentacle. At first, tentacle was detected, but then I couldn’t check its heath any more - always times out. Thats from my server, from local machine I can open tentacle url (:10933)
Then I noticed one strange thing: from that server I can’t open http://docs.octopusdeploy.com/, but it works from my local machine! Also tracert to that url times out.
Not sure, but can those two problems be connected? Why I can’t open tentacle endpoint and docs web from my server, and all other websites are working just fine?
Thanks for reaching out. Our docs site was down for a couple of hours last night, though that doesn’t explain why you can reach the site from one machine and not from another one. Can you confirm if this is still happening now that our docs site is up and running again?
I can open docs site now, and tentacle is visible from the server! Not sure what happened, why it worked from other machines and not from server, but I hope it will be ok now.
Btw, i unistalled everything and installed 3.3.1, so maybe that helped