Tentacle times out on Health Check

I am evaluating Octopus to see if it can help make our deployments easier. So I installed Octopus and Tentacle on the same server, messed around a bit and then wanted to expand to deploying to one of our remote servers. So I installed Tentacle on this server, setup the finger prints, added the Tentacle to appropriate environment. Now when I do a Health Check, the Tentacle on localhost says ok but the remote server times out.

Now, I tested and the firewall is open between these two boxes, I setup a listener on 10933 on the Tentacle box before installing and was able to telnet to this system from the Octopus box.

I am not sure where to go from here, I can’t find any log files anywhere and I don’t see any entries in the event log.


Thanks for getting in touch. Can you;

  1. Check the event log on the server which you’ve installed Tentacle on to see if there are any associated errors?
  2. Log in to the server that Octopus is installed on, open a web browser, and type the URL to the Tentacle into the browser - e.g., http://your-remote-tentacle:10933. You should see a WSDL page.


Hi Paul

Trying to get a 5 location site working using same WAN IP with port forwards from 10934 to each LAN IP on 10933(so agent is 10933, server is defined as http:ip:10934).
I can telnet to port 10934 to the box with tentacle listening on 10933 and I get a successful WSDL page with http://localhost:10933/?wdsl mentioned, however health check continues to timeout with a firewall error. ? Does this kinda setup work with octopus ? As other sites I have working are only done with different IP with default port.


Using port forwarding isn’t currently an option because WCF messages contain the address of the recipient; if the actual recipient is different (because of the different port) WCF complains. It’s something that shouldn’t be a problem in Octopus 2.0.


Thanks for the response Paul, I figured that was the issue with 1.6. Good news again about 2.0. Can’t wait for the polish to be applied . Cheers.