Teamcity nuget feed empty via octopus client

Hi, We have recently upgrade TC from version 9.1 to v 2017.1. Upon upgrade, found the nuget feed server is empty via octopus client.

Upon checking, I could get packages via other client (eg: Visual Studio), however failing with Octopus Client.

more info at

Could you help in resolving this. Is there any location I could check logs.

Octopus version: 3.3.6

Hi Naveen, thanks for reaching out.

As a first step I would recommend upgrading Octopus to take advantage of the changes that have been made to the NuGet integration.

If upgrading does not solve the issue, can you please provide some additional information to help us debug the issue.

  • How are the nuget packages being created? Are you using Octopack, the Octopus CLI, or some other method?
  • In the External Feeds section of Octopus, can you search for any pacakges, or do the results come back empty?
  • Can you supply a list of the packages that are hosted by TeamCity. Specifically we are interested in the version numbers that are assigned to the packages (like mypackage.1.0.0 or mypackage etc)

Matt C

Hi Matt,

We are using External feed section. It’s completely empty in new TC version.

Eg: Below is how it looks like with old TC v 9.1



The 32-bit OneTick Client distribution for Windows (Visual Studio 2010 binaries).



Python Distributions



Installer for the Python 2.7 64bit Core Distribution.



The Statistics Web Dashboard deployment package

At current situation, we prefer to solve this as is, rather than upgrade. Will there be any logs, I can see for the error or is there any property or env variable need to be defined to get feed packages.


Naveen Karnati

DevOps Engineer
Tyler Capital
61 Robinson Road
61 Robinson Road
Singapore 068893


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From: Matthew Casperson []
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2017 8:10 AM
To: Naveen Karnati
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: teamcity nuget feed empty via octopus client [Problems #55934]

This message originated from outside your organization

Hi Naveen, thanks for that information. I don’t see anything about those packages that would be the problem.

You can find the Octopus logs using the instructions at You can also get the logs via the System Report button. The attached image shows you how to generate the system report.

You can attach the log files here for us to take a look at. However I suspect that upgrading Octopus is the only option to solve this issue.

Matt C

Attached logs for your reference. I could see that package not found error, but couldn’t see the reason for that.

The resource ‘TylerCapital.FlyCap.Clients.AutoSpreader version 3.55.2257’ was not found. (http://ld5-octopus-vm:5000/api/feeds/feeds-1/packages/notes?packageId=TylerCapital.FlyCap.Clients.AutoSpreader&version=3.55.2257)

From: Matthew Casperson []
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2017 11:35 AM
To: Naveen Karnati
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Re: teamcity nuget feed empty via octopus client [Problems #55934]

This message originated from outside your organization

octopus_logs.txt (16 KB)

Hi Naveen,
Yes, unfortunately those log files don’t provide much additional information. I believe at this point that upgrading Octopus Deploy is the only solution to integrate with the latest version of TC.

Matt C

This may be related to an issue in NuGet where the API used to expose the release notes via the API - Now that TC has been updated, this endpoint is not available, and the request fails.

Newer version of Octopus should resolve this issue.

Matt C