Stich two projects together?

We have a project which creates virtual environment and another project which deploys to that environment. Is there a way to connect those two projects so that the second one automatically runs after the first one on the same (or specified) Environment and having access to the output properties of the first project?

Project which creates environment runs rarely and manually. Project which deploys bits runs often and automatically. But we still need to run bits deployment as soon as virtual environment is ready. What would be the best way to achieve that?

Hi Konstantine,

Thanks for getting in touch! Unfortunately there is nothing in Octopus that supports this scenario out of the box. That being said you could implement it with a bit of scripting.

High level idea:

  • Add a step in which you store required data in variables collection that belongs to the other project. You can use our API to do that.
  • Add another step that creates a new release of the other project and deploys it. This can also be achieved by using our API.

Please, let me know if that doesn’t solve your problem.



I got it about the variables, but regardless of variables what is the best way to make one deployment process initiate another one? Triggers? Special deployment step? API?

Hi Konstantine,

You can try to use one of our community templates and if that’s not flexible enough then I would suggest either our API or [octo.exe] (

Please, let me know if that doesn’t solve your problem.



Problem solved! Thank you!