Slow deployment speed on Windows 2019

Hi, We are having very strange situation: deployment to tentacles located on Win2019Core is almost twice slower than to tentacles located on Win2016Core.
Delta compression is disabled in both location, VM size - same.
Octopus server - 2019.9.9 ( same was for 2018.6.14 ). Tenatcle - 6.0.5 ( same was for 3.X.X and newer )
Is this known issue? What could be checked to locate an issue?
Do you have any recommendation for such situations?

Hi @volodymyr.gubar,

Thanks for getting in touch! That certainly does sound strange. I’m not aware of any issue impacting deployments to Win2019Core boxes, but we certainly would look to look more into it. Would you be willing to send through a verbose deployment log when deploying to Win2019Core and Win2016Core side by side? I’m hoping this log will give us some insight into why it’s behaving in this unexpected way.

I look forward to hearing back and getting to the bottom of this one!

Best regards,


I am providing you 2 deployment logs, as requested. One with tentacle installed on win2016core and another on win2019core.
All VM specs are same, the only difference is OS.

@Kenneth_Bates if you will need additional info - just let me know.

win2019core-ServerTasks-292723.log.txt (260.5 KB)
win2016core-ServerTasks-292689.log.txt (244.6 KB)

Hi @volodymyr.gubar,

Thanks for following up and sending through those logs. It looks like at least part of the slowness on the win2019core machine is during package acquisition and another part extracting Calamari. Is there any difference in where these machines are located?

I look forward to hearing back. :slight_smile:

Best regards,


The only big difference is OS. This VMs are located on the same Resource Group in Azure, within same network and same network rules, same disks, memory and CPU preferences ( same VM size ). More over they are created by same script via Octopus. The difference is VM name, VM ip and OS ( win2016core and win2019core ). I have checked step duration - looks like every step is slower, not only acquisition and Calamari. You can check my numbers:

@Kenneth_Bates if you will need additional info - just let me know

Hi @volodymyr.gubar,

Thanks for following up and providing that helpful table to better highlight the differences. I’m very sorry for the delay in getting back to you on this one, as we were on leave over the holidays.

The following message being printed in the log indicates an upgrade to .NET 4.8 on your win2019core VM would help.

When a script or process writes to error out on Windows 2019 (1809) with .NET 4.7.2 , PowerShell may terminate it immediately without allowing further code execution. This also causes only part of the error output to be shown.. Install .NET 4.8 or later to resolve this problem. [More information](

If possible, upgrading .NET would be the next thing I’d try, and I’d be interested to hear how much benefit that gives. If you still experience slowness after that, could you send us that fresh log?

Best regards,


Hi @Kenneth_Bates.
Thanks for this tip.
I have read this message before and was sure that it is related to error messages only or situation when deployment is having errors inside log.
I have tried to use .Net 4.8 instead of 4.7.2 and it is working like should! Application deployment speed is almost same as win2016Core.

Thank you very much for your help!

Hi @volodymyr.gubar,

You’re quite welcome! That’s great to hear that greatly improved these deployments. I appreciate you letting me know the outcome after applying that upgrade, and please don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns in the future. :slight_smile:

Best regards,
