We use Octopus 2018.9.15. We often use REST API and Package-drop. We found that, when we updating Associated Tenants (with API, or with web-ui) Sensitive-variables Encryption Password becomes null (or looks like it) and lost.
Is there any way work-around (except sending it every update, cause it looks like bad idea)?
Hi @Vadim_Klyapov,
Thanks for getting in touch! It looks like we have fixed an issue around this in Octopus version 2018.9.17.
Here is a link to the relevant GitHub issue.
We should be releasing version 2018.9.17 early next week.
Let me know if you have any further thoughts or questions here.
Best regards,
Hi, @Daniel_Fischer!
Great news. We’ll update our server as soon as new release will be available.
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