Selenium Acceptance tests from the Octopus Tentacle

I’m having issues launching Selenium Acceptance tests from the Octopus Tentacle. The tests run fun when executed from a command line. The user accounts have been checked as well. I’m about to try to run the Tentacle service in the interactive mode. Would that be even possible to run Selenium tests from the Octopus Deploy? Thank you.

Hi Alan,

Thanks for getting in touch! I know of a number of customers who run Selenium tests with Octopus, but none have shared how and I am not aware of any blog posts written.
Octopus Tentacle does run under a service account and the best way to test if something will run under Tentacle is using the script console:
You can also change the user that Tentacle runs under if this helps to test or resolve any issues:

Please let me know if it helps at all or if you get any specific errors we can help you diagnose.

Sometimes turning off the Anti virus or fiewall solves the issue.