We are automating some manual recovery operations through the new runbooks. All is working well, except it appears the runbookruns API requires that a snapshot is specified. That means that anytime we change a runbook, the clients that trigger that runbook also need to be updated, which is not really maintainable. Is there a way to ‘default’ the snapshot to the latest version of the runbook (I tried several variations for the “RunbookSnapshotId” parameter that did not work - omitting the parameter, passing null, passing empty string, and a couple of others).
I am triggering the run through the /api/{baseSpaceId}/runbookRuns API.
Hi Andy,
Thanks for reaching out. We appreciate your feedback on our latest feature Runbooks. It’s great to hear that you’re finding it helpful.
At first pass, I believe your running into expected behavior but see where this might become unruly very quickly. I’m running this by our Team in Australia to know if I’m missing something or if there’s a change that can be made to improve Tenant support.
I hope to have an update for you by the end of the day.
Thanks again for letting us know how Runbooks is working for you.