I have a step which is a ‘Run a PowerShell script across machines in roles’.
That powershell script does the VIP swap for the current deployment.
I have it separately because in some configuration I want a human interaction to acknowledge the action before doing it.
So I also have a manual step right before the VIP swap step that will pop under specific configurations.
The problem is that when the VIP swap script runs and calls Get-AzureDeployment I get the following message:
The term ‘Get-AzureDeployment’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program.
I understabd that the azure.psd1 module is not loaded but why do I have to include the module there and not in the deploytoazure.ps1, it’s not clear.
Ok, so I added the import-module azure command but now I get the following message:
Could not establish secure channel for SSL/TLS with authority" when calling
I call the same cmdlet in the deploytoazure.ps1 script, why it isn’t working there?
What do I missed?