I have configured a rolling deployment with a windows size of 1. I want to deploy first my Web-A then my Web-B.
My current solution: 1. PARENT STEP
1.1 Stop Apppool
1.2 Deploy
1.3 Start Apppool
1.4. manuel interventation to confirm the other web server deployment
This works currently fine because I selected window size 1 in my 1. PARENT STEP, the only downside.
Problem: I can not cleary say first WEB-B then WEB-A .
Problem: I have to make the confirmation 2 times … This 1 time too much as because I only need 1 interventation when deployed 2 webclients On the end of the WEB-B deployment I also have to accept the step …
Greetings Alex! Unfortunately, there is not a way to specify an order to the machines in a rolling deployment. For the manual intervention step, those do have an output variable as to whether they were approved or not (Octopus.Action[Step Name].Output.Manual.Approved) which could be used in a run condition. However, run conditions are applied at the parent level for rolling deployments.
I have spoken about this with my team, we were unable to come up with another solution while keeping the manual intervention within the rolling deployment.