I recenntly converted an Octopus web app deployment process step to use a Service Principal Account (as opposed to the retired SSL cert auth method)
The deployment is failing with the error
Retrieving publishing credentials failed. Publish-settings URI: https://management.azure.com/subscriptions/<sub GIUD>/resourceGroups/partnerapi-rg-production-wr/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/partnerapi01-webapp-payin-production/slots/#{slot}/config/publishingCredentials/list?api-version=2016-08-01
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> System.Exception: Retrieving publishing credentials failed with HTTP status 400 - Bad Request
While similar to other posts, this does not seem to be due to an Azure backend outage and is not being caused by using cert based auth as this is what we are switching away from
Looking at the TeamCity the is trying to call/invoke this I see
[Octopus Deploy] Running command: octo.exe promote-release --server https://octopusdeploy.<domain>.com --apikey SECRET --project Partner API --enableservicemessages --from staging.<domain>.com --deployto <domain>.com --progress --deploymenttimeout 01:00:00 --variable slot:staging --force
But in the Octopus logs I’m seeing the slot not as the one being passed bu the var in the process step (#{slot})?
Does anyone have any ideas ? All other jobs that were switched from cert auth to Service Pricipal seem to work ok, this is the only sitcky one ?
Many thanks