Octopos version : Octopus.2019.12.4
I try to generate automatic release note in octopus by Jira issue tracking but not working.
there is my result :
there is out put jenkins configuration :
Time Elapsed 00:00:27.44
INFO: Creating octopus.buildinfo in D:\app\Jenkins\workspace\Training.DailyBuild
INFO: Serializing Octopus build information
INFO: Serialized Octopus build information - {
“BuildEnvironment”: “Jenkins”,
“CommentParser”: “Jira”,
“BuildNumber”: “156”,
“BuildUrl”: “https://jenkins-homo.oddo.fr/job/Training.DailyBuild/156/”,
“VcsType”: “Unknown”,
“VcsRoot”: “${GIT_URL}”,
“VcsCommitNumber”: “${GIT_COMMIT}”,
“Commits”: [
“Id”: “2243”,
“Comment”: “PROJ-4 : remove value from line code”
INFO: Wrote octopus.buildinfo
[Training.DailyBuild] $ D:\App\Tools\Octo\Octo.exe build-information --server http://zapplwego0001/ --apiKey ******** --space Spaces-1 --package-id Oddo.Training- --version --file octopus.buildinfo --overwrite-mode OverwriteExisting --debug --overwrite-mode=OverwriteExisting
Octopus Deploy Command Line Tool, version 7.3.7
Detected automation environment: “Jenkins”
Found space: Default (Spaces-1)
Space name specified, process is now running in the context of space: Default
Handshaking with Octopus Server: http://zapplwego0001/
GET http://zapplwego0001/api
Handshake successful. Octopus version: 2019.13.7; API version: 3.0.0
GET http://zapplwego0001/api/Spaces-1
GET http://zapplwego0001/api/users/me
Authenticated as: app_jenkins_conad_1 yassine.kerkeni@oddo-bhf.com
Pushing build information for package “Oddo.Training-” version “”…
POST http://zapplwego0001/api/Spaces-1/build-information?overwriteMode=OverwriteExisting
Push successful
INFO: Octo.exe exit code: 0
INFO: Started Octopus Release
INFO: =======================
INFO: Project: Training
INFO: Release Version:
INFO: Channel: Default
INFO: Include Release Notes?: true
INFO: Release Notes Source: file
INFO: Release Notes File: D:\App\Test\Test.txt
INFO: Deploy this Release?: false
INFO: Package Configurations:
INFO: Oddo.Training Oddo.Training v1.1.155.2243
INFO: =======================
[Training.DailyBuild] $ D:\App\Tools\Octo\Octo.exe create-release --version --channel Default --releaseNotes “Hello change :
#{Octopus.Deployment.Changes[0].Version | MarkdownToHtml}
” --package Oddo.Training:Oddo.Training: --project Training --server http://zapplwego0001/ --apiKey ******** --space Spaces-1Octopus Deploy Command Line Tool, version 7.3.7
Detected automation environment: “Jenkins”
Found space: Default (Spaces-1)
Space name specified, process is now running in the context of space: Default
Handshaking with Octopus Server: http://zapplwego0001/
Handshake successful. Octopus version: 2019.13.7; API version: 3.0.0
Authenticated as: app_jenkins_conad_1 yassine.kerkeni@oddo-bhf.com
Found environments:
This Octopus Server supports channels
Found project: Training (Projects-1)
Building release plan for channel ‘Default’…
Found channel: Default (Channels-1)
Finding deployment process…
Finding release template…
The package version for some steps was not specified. Going to try and resolve those automatically…
Finding latest package for step: DeployWS
Selected ‘Oddo.Training’ version ‘’ for ‘DeployWS’
Using version number provided on command-line:
Release plan for Training
Channel: ‘Default’ (this is the default channel)
Name Version Source Version rules
1 DeployWS Latest available Allow any version
Creating release…
Release created successfully!
INFO: Octo.exe exit code: 0
INFO: Release created:
INFO: Started Octopus Deploy
INFO: ======================
INFO: Project: Training
INFO: Version:
INFO: Environment: Developpement
INFO: ======================
[Training.DailyBuild] $ D:\App\Tools\Octo\Octo.exe deploy-release --deployTo Developpement --version --project Training --server http://zapplwego0001/ --apiKey ******** --space Spaces-1
Octopus Deploy Command Line Tool, version 7.3.7
Detected automation environment: “Jenkins”
Found space: Default (Spaces-1)
Space name specified, process is now running in the context of space: Default
Handshaking with Octopus Server: http://zapplwego0001/
Handshake successful. Octopus version: 2019.13.7; API version: 3.0.0
Authenticated as: app_jenkins_conad_1 yassine.kerkeni@oddo-bhf.com
Found environment: Developpement (Environments-1)
Found project: Training (Projects-1)
Finding release
Found environment: Developpement (Environments-1)
Deploying Training “” to: Developpement (Guided Failure: Not Enabled)
INFO: Octo.exe exit code: 0
INFO: Deployment executed:
Finished: SUCCESS
there is build information :
there is ServerTasks-1308.log.txt (91.5 KB)
there is my log octopus in attachment file :
there is a part of log
[Octopus.Deployment.Changes] = ‘[{“Version”:“”,“ReleaseNotes”:“Hello change :
#{Octopus.Deployment.Changes[0].Version | MarkdownToHtml}
”,“BuildInformation”:[],“WorkItems”:[],“Commits”:[]}]’this blocks not visible in my log :
on : Octopus.2019.12.4
the correct bihavior i waiting result like this but with correct values but not working :
I think the problem the [Octopus.Deployment.Changes] missing some fields like BuildInformation, WorkItems and Commits but I d’ont know why ?
[Octopus.Deployment.Changes] = ‘[{“Version”:“”,“ReleaseNotes”:“Hello change :
#{Octopus.Deployment.Changes[0].Version | MarkdownToHtml}