(Jack Unrau)
August 1, 2012, 9:10pm
Using the latest version of Octopus everywhere.
Publishing is not working. Trying to publish to “http://my-nuget-server/api/v2/package ” like “http://octopusdeploy.com/blog/publishing-with-octopack ” says to. When just running NuGet push from the command line, I get errors that it “Failed to process request. ‘OK’.”
I can’t figure out what I need to do to make publishing work.
Command line is:
NuGet.exe push package.nupkg -s http://:8080/api/v2/package
(Jack Unrau)
August 1, 2012, 9:11pm
Since items inside angle brackets were removed, the command line is:
NuGet.exe push package.nupkg (api key) -s http://(octopus server):8080/api/v2/package
Hi Jack,
Are you trying to push to your Octopus server, or to a standalone NuGet server? Octopus isn’t a NuGet server, so you may need to install the NuGet Gallery, or NuGet.Server as a standalone ASP.NET website. This page has some links:
Hope that helps,