We have created a Project named “Corporate” and a project named “Corporate Services”. On the drop down menu for Projects it shows Corporate but not Corporate Services
Hi Jared,
Thanks for getting in touch. Does the problem persist after a browser refresh?
Which version of Octopus Deploy are you using (1.x, 2.x?)
Hi Nicholas,
Thanks for the reply. We are running 1.x (1.6 I believe) currently. The problem does persist after a browser refresh, in fact it is reproducible in IE 10, IE 9, Firefox 26.0 and Chrome 31.0.1650.63 m so it seems to be a pretty solid bug.
I just found out that we are currently migrating to the 2.x platform and should be testing in a few days and from what I heard about it this may not be an issue for us with the personalized dashboards so good job to you all!
Jared Gray
Software Engineer
Epiq Systems
Client Services
10300 SW Allen Blvd.
Beaverton, OR 97005
Okay, thanks Jared. Hope the 2.0 upgrade goes well, don’t miss the docs on: http://docs.octopusdeploy.com/display/OD/Upgrading+from+Octopus+1.6 - a few tips in case you’d missed it.
Thanks again Nick
We have the same issue. I cloned a project, put under same project group and can’t get project displayed on the drop down menu, whatever the naming convention I choose, whichever Project Group I select.
I suspect, because there is no option on project creation page to include/exclude the project on the dashboard[!?] [this is also confusing as it is not really a selection for the dashboard but for the dropdown, so I have attached the screenshot], it does not display the new project on the drop down…
Correction: " as it is not really a selection solely for the dashboard, but also for the dropdown"
Hi Ebru,
Thanks for getting in touch.
Can you please confirm which version of Octopus you are using? The Configure Dashboard page has been updated as of version 3.3.21 with some fixes around long project names. Are you in a position to upgrade to the latest version of Octopus?
Mark Siedle
Hi Mark,
The version is Octopus 3.3.4.
Hi Ebru,
Are you able to upgrade to the latest version of Octopus? The Configure Dashboard screen has been improved since version 3.3.4.