Hi Guys
I’m having a problem getting releases created automatically when I push them to the built in feed using my new version numbers. I noticed that Octopus doesn’t seem to think that the latest version that I have pushed is in fact the latest by looking at whats in the nuget library on the Octopus site. I think maybe what has happened is that as I was playing around trying to configure the version correctly, I pushed some packages with undesired version numbers (e.g. 63). The logs indicate that the releases weren’t automatically created as they were not the greatest package version. So I would like to know: -
What is the easiest way out of this? Can I clear down the old releases that I’m not interested in anymore? How?
Otherwise, is it quicker to clone this application and start again?
I have provided the relevant server log section below. Many thanks in advance for your support.
2017-08-18 09:36:44.7325 275 INFO https://xxx:10933/ 275 Opening a new connection
2017-08-18 09:36:44.7773 275 INFO https://xxx:10933/ 275 Performing TLS handshake
2017-08-18 09:36:44.8134 275 INFO https://xxx:10933/ 275 Secure connection established. Server at [::ffff:]:10933 identified by thumbprint: 20E72E6A64E4168152C63FF33AFAAB714BB8AB96, using protocol Tls12
2017-08-18 09:38:41.0565 304 WARN Unable to automatically create a release for project ‘StandardSOSv2’ when package StandardSOSv2 version 2.0.20170818.6 was pushed: Failed to determine the version using the version template from the version strategy for project StandardSOSv2
2017-08-18 09:51:35.9372 306 INFO Request took 1005ms: PUT http://etstfs1/etsplc/nuget/packages/ 6cfe084f2e664aa09a17242bad69edbf
2017-08-18 09:52:40.1808 306 WARN No release created for project ‘xxx’ when package xxx version 3.0.20170818.1 was pushed. Package version is not the greatest. Automatic Release Creation is only applied for the greatest package version.
2017-08-18 09:55:48.4313 282 WARN No release created for project ‘xxx’ when package xxx version 3.0.20170818.2 was pushed. Package version is not the greatest. Automatic Release Creation is only applied for the greatest package version.