Within a single channel, previously-deployed versions have their checkboxes grayed out. This makes it easy to tell which version is currently deployed.
See screenshot OD1: For environment QA1, version 1.0.1002.2 is current and version 1.0.1002.1 is grayed out.
But we use multiple channels, and a bright green checkbox exists for two different versions in different channels. This makes it impossible to tell at a glance which version is the currently-deployed one.
See screenshot OD2: For environment QA1, both version 1.1.1117 (in the Dev channel) and version 1.0.1002.2 (in the Prod channel) are highlighted as current. Only 1.0.1002.2 is actually currently deployed.
Shouldn’t only one checkbox be bright green per environment?
Thanks for getting in touch! We’ve recently had a number of discussions regarding which checkboxes should be highlighted when using multiple channels. We’ve come to the conclusion that the latest deployment for each environment in each channel should have the bright green checkbox. That being said, in Octopus 3.12.2 we’ve added a feature toggle to switch between two different ways to display your channels and releases. You can see the original issue here: https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/Issues/issues/2841
Along with that, we’ve also done some general bug fixes recently around the UI when channels are applied. Would you be willing to upgrade to the newest version? We’d like to hear if these changes help in your situation.
Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or concerns!
It doesn’t look like that new feature will really accomplish what I was looking for. I just wanted an at-a-glance way on the dashboard to tell which version is currently deployed to a given environment. Having multiple releases highlighted the same across different channels requires you to either look at the date/time stamps individually or at the app itself, both of which are not ideal.