I’ve been using Octopus Deploy for a few months and everything works fine until today.
I have successfully setup both polling and listening tentacle which are working well.
Today, I tried to setup a polling tentacle on a new machine, the setup went well, the machine was added to the server successfully but was offline. I tried health check and found that the tentacle did not collect the requests.
I tried to access https://server:10943/ from IE 11, and cannot open the page (the page cannot be displayed error).
I opened the log file and can see many errors with the connection (see attached). Please note that the port 10943 is opened and working on the server, many other tentacles are working fine, both polling and listening, so it’s not an issue with the server.
You should be able to access https://server:10943 from the Tentacle box, it sounds like something is blocking the connection from the Tentacle to the server on that port. Can you browse there from the polling Tentacles that work?
Thanks for your reply.
Yes, I can browse from the tentacles that work, only issue from this machine.
What can be “something”? Firewall?
It’s strange that during tentacle setup, it says that it already checked the connection to the server at port 10493, why it is blocked after the installation?
Yes, that is strange that it checks for communication during the install and then doesn’t work. Can you browse to the Octopus Server http/s port from the Tentacle machine (https://server)?
I would assume a firewall, it depends how your network is setup. I’ll provision some machines and see if I can break it on my end. Your other polling Tentacles are on
I can browse to octopus server from that Tentacle machine.
I also tested other https site running on a port other than 443 and can browse to these sites from that tentacle, the only site that is not working is the octopus on port 10493.
I cannot think of any other possible solution.
I have tried installing a polling Tentacle with port 10943 blocked and it will not get past “Checking connectivity on the server communications port 10943…”.
The only thing I can think of would be permissions for the service account that Tentacle is running as. Is it possible that the user you are installing Tentacle with has access to the server on port 10943 but the Tentacle user (usually LOCAL_SYSTEM) does not have access?
I take that back, the Tentacle will eventually register with the server even if it can not contact the server on port 10943. It does take a really long time (I assume until the connection times out).
I still think it may be a permissions issue. Can you stop the Tentacle service and run Tentacle.exe from the Tentacle installation folder and see if it works?
I’ve tried your suggestions and it’s still the same issue. I stopped the service and run Tentacle.exe with Administrator permission, still similar errror shown on the console log. Something is blocking that connection, right? It keeps saying the target server refused the connection but I don’t see any logs on the server relating to this, I don’t think those request actually hit the server. I will ask the guy who knows more about this server and get back to you.