After upgrading to 3.13.7 the Check System Integrity is failing with errors show below. We do not use tenants.
| Failed: Check System Integrity
09:26:44 Info | Schema...................................................... [ Passed ]
09:26:44 Info | Release channel belongs to the appropriate project.......... [ Passed ]
09:26:44 Error | Orphaned tenant deployments................................. [ Failed ]
09:26:44 Info | Orphaned channels........................................... [ Passed ]
09:26:44 Info | Only one unfrozen deployment process per project............ [ Passed ]
09:26:44 Fatal | One or more data errors were found.
| Failed: Orphaned tenant deployments
09:26:44 Error | Showing top 20 of 1421 errors:
| The deployment {Id: 'Deployments-1', Name: 'Deploy to DEV'} belongs to Tenant Id '' which does not exist.