Option deploy-package missing from Tentacle v2.3.6.1385


Referring to this article… http://help.octopusdeploy.com/discussions/questions/1775-tentacleexe-deploy-package-not-copying-files

When I run version of Tentacle.exe with the following…

tentacle deploy-package -f .\Central\bin\release\Central.

I get a “Command ‘-f’ is not supported” error. I have tried with a --f switch as well and get the same error.

Also, when I run

tentacle help

the deploy-package option is not listed.

Can you please help?

Hi Stacy,

Thanks for getting in touch, unfortunately because of all the changes in 2.0, deploy-package is no longer supported. We have plans to bring it back in 2.5:

Really sorry about this, hopefully in the mean time the old Tentacle will still work for testing.


Hi Paul

Thanks for the quick response, I have switched over to v and am able to do the testing I need.
