During testing I’ve created a lot of packages (up to and then reset the build number counter.
Now facing an error running Octopus step to create and publish a release. Here’s the log:
[11:00:31][Octopus Deploy] Creating Octopus Deploy release
[11:00:31][Octopus Deploy] Octopus Command Line Tool, version
[11:00:31][Octopus Deploy]
[11:00:31][Octopus Deploy] Finding project: MyProject
[11:00:31][Octopus Deploy] Handshaking with Octopus server: http://server:8083/api
[11:00:34][Octopus Deploy] Handshake successful. Octopus version:; API version: 2.0.0
[11:00:34][Octopus Deploy] Finding environments...
[11:00:34][Octopus Deploy] Finding steps for project...
[11:00:34][Octopus Deploy] Resolving NuGet package versions...
[11:00:34][Octopus Deploy] - Finding latest NuGet package for step: MyProject
[11:00:34][Octopus Deploy] Release plan for release:
[11:00:34][Octopus Deploy] Steps:
[11:00:34][Octopus Deploy] # Name Version Source
[11:00:34][Octopus Deploy] --- ------------------------ --------------- ------------------------------------
[11:00:34][Octopus Deploy] 1 MyProject Latest available in NuGet repository
[11:00:34][Octopus Deploy]
[11:00:34][Octopus Deploy] Creating release...
[11:00:34][Octopus Deploy] Release created successfully!
[11:00:34][Octopus Deploy] ##teamcity[setParameter name='octo.releaseNumber' value='']
[11:00:34][Octopus Deploy] Successfully scheduled release for deployment to environment Dev
[11:00:34][Octopus Deploy] Deployment has not yet finished. Time taken: 0s
[11:00:44][Octopus Deploy] Deployment has not yet finished. Time taken: 10s
[11:00:54][Octopus Deploy] Command error:
[11:00:54][Octopus Deploy] The task: 'Deploy MyProject release to Dev' failed with the error: A child activity failed: The package could not be downloaded from NuGet. Please see the below errors for details. If you are getting a package verification error, try switching to a Windows File Share package repository to see if that helps.
[11:00:54][Octopus Deploy] Please see the deployment page for more details: http://server:8083/tasks/show/tasks-3427
[11:00:54][Octopus Deploy]
[11:00:54][Octopus Deploy] Octo.exe exit code: 2
Why does it select latest package but not by version given?
Release number in Octopus TeamCity step is configured as %system.build.number%.