Our octopus server is very slow lately.
Today it was even impossible to login:
Checking your credentials. Please wait…
After waiting for some minutes, i might login but the rest of the application is also really slow.
The VM = only using 50% CPU and 60% memory.
The (Azure) database seems to be fine. I even upscaled it.
I tried rebooting the virtual machine but this didn’t help.
Any advice?
Remco V.
Hi Remco,
Thank you for reaching out! I’d love to dig a bit deeper in to the cause of why it’s going so slow/ stopping.
Are you using Active Directory?
Could you please send me your Server logs (located in C:\Octopus\Logs in standard installations)? That will help give us a better idea of what’s going on and why.
Kind regards,
Hello Kenny,
Thanks for the reply.
The morning after, everything seems to be working fine again.
We are using Azure SQL, and for some reason i have the idea that the Database was causing the issue. Everything is working properly again.
Hi Remco,
I’m so glad to hear it seems to be working for you now! It could very well have been the database.
Please let us know if you have any further questions,
This issue has been closed due to inactivity. If you encounter the same or a similar issue and require help, please open a new discussion (if we asked for logs or extra details in this thread, consider including them in the new thread). If you are the creator of this thread and believe it should not be closed let us know via our support email.