We’re running into an issue were the ‘register-with’ command using Octo.exe is failing due to a MS SQL Deadlock. This is causing our Machine bootstrap process to fail.
Octopus Deploy: Tentacle version 3.3.4 (3.3.4+Branch.master.Sha.86f554a5b8183663c7ef814234ecca257c613b98)
Error: Octopus Server returned an error: Error while executing SQL command: Transaction (Process ID 72) was deadlocked on lock | communication buffer resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.
The command being executed was:
INSERT INTO dbo.[Event] (RelatedDocumentIds, ProjectId, EnvironmentId, Category, UserId, Username, Occurred, Message, Id, Json) values (@RelatedDocumentIds, @ProjectId, @EnvironmentId, @Category, @UserId, @Username, @Occurred, @Message, @Id, @Json)
Server exception: