I have a doubt about the way additional transforms work with regards to lists of values.
For example if I have the transform: Web.#{Octopus.Machine.Roles}role.config => Web.config
and the server has two roles www and www-web1 then I expected, as #{Octopus.Machine.Roles} is a list, the net result to be
Web.wwwrole.config => Web.config
Web.www-web1role.config => Web.config
However what I think I get is:
Web.www,www-web1role.config => Web.config
Which is really unhelpful. Am I missing a trick? and it there a workaround?
(Dalmiro GraƱas)
February 4, 2016, 9:04pm
Hi Andy,
Thanks for reaching out. #{Octopus.Machine.Roles}
is not a list, but a string that contains all roles between single quotes like this: 'www, www-1'
If your deployment step is scoped only 1 role, you can use the variable #{Octopus.Tentacle.CurrentDeployment.TargetedRoles}
like this:
Web.#{Octopus.Tentacle.CurrentDeployment.TargetedRoles}Role.config => web.config
If the step is scoped to more than 1 role, there are other trickier ways to do this.
Let me know if the above works for you
Hi Damiro,
I have a workaround in place that uses variables instead of the multiple roles I was using before.
Thanks anyway.