When we are deploying latest nuget packages form ftp server to dev environment, octopus is not picking up the latest version of files, it will facing the old version of files instead of new and that causes the not able to start the Services on deployment server, Kindly suggest on this.
Would you be able to share a few more details about your environment?
Is this FTP server configured as an external feed within Octopus or are you pushing packages from the FTP server to the Octopus built-in feed?
Are these packages using Semver versioning scheme? And if so, are you replacing already existing packages with new files or always adding a new package? If you’re replacing already existing packages I’m wondering if this could be a cache issue?
Lastly, are you creating new releases in Octopus using the UI or is this all handled externally by your build server?
If it is done within the UI. When creating the release if you expand the Packages dropdown is the Latest column not populated with the latest version?
If you then click on Select Version are you able to locate the version you want?
Yes, FTP server configured as an external feed within Octopus, and for packages we are using Semver versioning scheme, every time its replacing existing packages with new files.
To creating new releases in Octopus we are using the UI & Azure Devops as well & whenever we are creating a new release in octopus, packages will be populated with new version.
And Inside packages file versions are not picking up latest one.
It does sound like perhaps this is a caching issue. Octopus will often try to avoid re-downloading packages to targets that already exist.
If you create a new deployment and set the Package download option to “Re-download packages from feed” does this pull the newest version of the files through successfully?