Hi Team,
Getting error when using Channel based rule (maven feeds)
Channel Rule -Rule-Version-2 is [1.2,1.3) in the Project GIUI-STATIC-BLOB-SNAPSHOT. It has two process in which GIUIStatic-Azure-Blob-CIT is restricted to use Rule-Version-2 channel rule.
My version in using create Release is 1.2.0-giuistatic-SNAPSHOT which I think falls in rule. Why it is failing with below error? Please advise as I’m blocked.
Command used-
/opt/Programs/OctoPack/Octo create-release --project GIUI-STATIC-BLOB-SNAPSHOT --version 1.2.0-giuistatic-SNAPSHOT --package giuistatic:1.2.0-SNAPSHOT --server http://od.landggi.com --apiKey ${OD_KEY} --deployto=CIT --progress --channel=Rule-Version-2
Error below-
Using version number provided on command-line: 1.2.0-giuistatic-SNAPSHOT
Release plan for GIUI-STATIC-BLOB-SNAPSHOT 1.2.0-giuistatic-SNAPSHOT
Channel: 'Rule-Version-2'
# Name Package Name Version Source Version rules
--- --------------------------- -------------------- ---------------------------- ------------------ -----------------------
1 GIUIStatic-Azure-Blob Azure-PoSH-Helpers 1.0.2 Latest available Allow any version
2 GIUIStatic-Azure-Blob giuistatic 2.0.28-giuistatic-SNAPSHOT Latest available Allow any version
3 GIUIStatic-Azure-Blob-CIT Azure-PoSH-Helpers 1.0.2 Latest available Allow any version
4 GIUIStatic-Azure-Blob-CIT giuistatic ERROR Cannot resolve Range: FAIL Tag: FAIL
Package versions could not be resolved for one or more of the package packageSteps in this release. See the errors above for details. Either ensure the latest version of the package can be automatically resolved, or set the version to use specifically by using the --package argument.
Exit code: -1
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Email was triggered for: Failure - Any
Sending email for trigger: Failure - Any