I couldn’t find a good place to ask this question, this is the closest…
I have 2 accounts on help.octopus.com, they are: murray.roke (from google) and murray_roke (one I want to keep, using my work email).
The Murray_roke one says the murray.roke Gmail one is linked, but if I log in with google I don’t see the same account as when I log in with my work email
Whenever I come to the site I click google and wonder why there’s nothing there, then re-log using my work email.
Are you able to help.
Hi Murray,
Thanks for reaching out.
I’ve looked at your two accounts and your gmail account has no posts created and pretty much no data.
Would you be happy if I just deleted that account from our system?
This should have the desired effect. The next time you accidentally try to log-in with your gmail account, you should just get denied.
Yes Please.
Sorry for the delay just found this cleaning out old email
Murray Roke / Developer
Chat with me on Microsoft Teams / murray@terabyte.co.nz

Hi Murray,
That’s all done for you now.