When I set up an external feed to point to a Nuget repository in Artifactory Pro, the Test function works fine and returns a list of packages. Also, when i create a release, it shows the correct latest version of the package from Artifactory.
However, when the release is executed, we get an “Unable to download package” error. Any ideas what might be happening here?
I’ve noticed that when I open the URL for the Artifactory Nuget feed in a browser, there’s nothing listed under in the XML, although as I said, the Test in OD and when creating a release both work fine.
We have over time experienced several bugs in Artifactory related to NuGet feeds. I think we experienced the same problem at some point. I don’t remember the details.
So make sure you run a new version of Artifactory.
To help you debug the problem you can try this:
On the Octopus server download nuget.exe
Create a nuget source that point to the artifactory feed that has your Octopus packages
In a temp directory call nuget.exe install -version -verbosity detailed
With the verbosity detailed flag set you will see the url’s called by nuget install and can pinpoint what http request that fails. You will probably see that the search request finds the package, but that the download request fails
I don’t remember the details about what we did to resolve this issue, but we had several support requests to JFrog to get them to fix some bugs
Jan’s troubleshooting steps make a lot of sense (Thanks Jan!). If you can reproduce this using Nuget.exe, then we can confirm that the problem is on the Artifactory side.
In your log I can see that Octopus can Find the package, but it cannot download it. I’m wondering if you are able to download a package from Library -> External Feeds.
You’re both right - it looks like the problem is with how Artifactory has been configured, as we get a 404 even when we try to download from its own web interface! So not an Octopus problem at all - again.
Thank you very much for all your help and hopefully we won’t need to bother you again for a while!