In one of our C# library projects, there was a Content Include=“Filename.XML” as opposed to: Content Include=“Filename.xml” (.xml was the correct filename on disk) which then made Octopus spit out an extra File src=“Filename.XML” in the obj\octopacking .nuspec file of the “packable” project.
The specific error it gave me was this:
MSBUILD : OctoPack error OCT-1805672349: at OctoPack.Tasks.CreateOctoPackPac
kage.Execute() in c:\TeamCity\buildAgent\work\171c5027f0248474\source\OctoPack.
Tasks\CreateOctoPackPackage.cs:line 181
which resulted in: ‘Cannot add part for the specified URI because it is already in the package’
Just thought I should share this because it took me all afternoon to figure out. Perhaps we can get a fix that is not case-sensitive?