Do you have any pointers on what extensions/plugins can I use to package my ReactJs app using webpack so that it can be deployed using octo deploy?
I saw examples for Grunt and Gulp but nothing for Webpack. Please advice.
Do you have any pointers on what extensions/plugins can I use to package my ReactJs app using webpack so that it can be deployed using octo deploy?
I saw examples for Grunt and Gulp but nothing for Webpack. Please advice.
Hi Ashu,
Thanks for getting in touch.
I’ve made an attempt at writing a plugin that will pack and publish using webpack:
It’s still a bit rough so may require some modification on your end. PRs are most welcome. Have created a branch in octofxjs with example usage of the plugin:
I hope this helps.
Thank you so much Shane on spending time on it. Would you know how to fire this from msbuild so that I can integrate it with CI. Thanks.
Sent from my iPhone
Hi Ashu,
To use the plugin you would just need to run webpack from your build server and it will package your app and push it to Octopus. See here for some details: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/40993795/msbuild-and-webpack
Thank you again Shane.
On using the Octo webpack plugin you created – can you tell me the usage? I am struggling with it.
I have added the plugin into webpack.config.js but it doesn’t seem to work.
All it says is;
Hello Shane, please ignore my previous question about not being able to use the webpack extension. Its working now, I was missing some basic steps.
Question – can I use octo webpack plug in to generate a nuget package for my javascript application?
Hi Ashu,
The webpack plugin is a wrapper for octopackjs: https://github.com/OctopusDeploy/octopackjs
It will allow you to pack as zip, tar or targz. If you want to create a NuGet package you could add a nuspec file to your javascript application and run NuGet.exe. To integrate with webpack make a wrapper around NuGet.exe similar to the octo-webpack-plugin.
If you look at the source for octopackjs there is the start of creating NuGet packages.
I tried it… Seems to be working.
I saw these comments – “throw ‘Currently unable to support .nupkg file. Please use .tar.gz or .zip’;” and “throw ‘Currently unable to support .nupkg file. Please use .tar.gz or .zip’;”
Do you know the reason? Is there any upfront issue I might run into using this code?
Hi Shane, will you have any idea why webpack is not creating bundle after adding octowebpackplugin in webpack.config.js file? This is the error I get.
This is how I have added the plugin. If I remove the octowebpackplugin then bundling starts working. Any help is appreciated.
Hi Ashu,
The NuGet part of octopackjs was abandoned because it was difficult to maintain and unnecessary with zip/tar support in Octopus.
Would you mind sending me your bundling config and package.json so I can reproduce?
Hey Shane,
Any updates on this one?
Hi Ashu,
Sorry for the delay getting back to you, I have been trying to push some bug fixes across the line.
I will get back to you with a solution soon.
Hi Ashu,
I’ve updated octo-webpack-plugin so it will create the archive “after-emit” (https://github.com/webpack/docs/wiki/plugins) so the bundle has a chance to be created before attempting to archive it.
Don’t forget to delete your existing octo-webpack-plugin and npm install again.
Hope this helps.
Thank you Shane.
I will try it out in a couple of days and let u know.