I’ve noticed for some time that using the Octopus CLI octo.exe takes a long time when gathering releases.
I ran it in debug mode today and noticed that it’s gathering all releases on the instance even when --project is provided.
I would expect that when providing a project, it should use the API endpoint: /api/projects/{id}/releases
However, in the logs I see that it’s actually gathering all releases, which takes a significant amount of time:
Octopus Deploy Command Line Tool, version 4.45.0
Detected automation environment: “NoneOrUnknown”
Handshaking with Octopus Server: https://<server>
Handshake successful. Octopus version: 2018.8.12; API version: 3.0.0
GET https://<server>/api/users/me
Authenticated as: domain\user <email>
Loading projects…
GET https://<server>/api/projects
GET https://<server>/api/projects?skip=30&take=30
Loading releases…
GET https://<server>/api/releases
GET https://<server>/api/releases?skip=30&take=30
GET https://<server>/api/releases?skip=60&take=30
GET https://<server>/api/releases?skip=90&take=30
GET https://<server>/api/releases?skip=120&take=30