Octo.exe delete-releases does not delete releases

I want to delete a channel, but it has releases which need to be deleted first. So, I ran octo.exe:

octo delete-releases --server=http://blah --apikey=API-blah --project="emoney databases" --channel "Roundhouse in Prod Testing" --minversion=0 --maxversion=9999

And I get this output:

Octopus Deploy Command Line Tool, version 4.6.1

Handshaking with Octopus server: http://octopus.ema.emoneyadvisor.com
Handshake successful. Octopus version: 3.5.9; API version: 3.0.0
Authenticated as: Josh Kodroff <jkodroff@emoneyadvisor.com>
Finding project: emoney databases
Finding channels: Roundhouse in Prod Testing
Finding releases for project...
Deleting version
Deleting version
Deleting version

But when I go to delete the channel, I get the same message: that it cannot be deleted because it has releases. I’ve confirmed the releases are indeed still there.

Something is amiss…


Thanks for reaching out!

  • Could you add the flag --debug to your command and then show us the output?
  • Could you also try using Octo.exe version 4.6.0 from this link: https://octopus.com/downloads



I ended up manually deleting the releases in order to delete the channel, so I don’t have a use case in which to retry right now. I anticipate I’ll have another channel to delete soon, though. When that happens, I will post the output you requested.


  • Josh