Hi, I have uploaded one custom package to Octopus with specific version number. I want to deploy following package with all my projects. The version numnber is static for that custom package.
Whenever we create a release it tries to search the package with version number based on pipline however we want to restrict that custom package version to specific version and remaining other packages can be deployed based on release version.
Is there any step or way to select a specific version number for a specific package in release pipeline
Hi Paul, Thanks for the response, however this is not working as expected.
We have a octopus deploy pipeline which deploy packages to Azure Webapp. Following release created and triggered by Azure DevOps.
In Following Octopus pipeline we are deploying WebApp packages along with custom package with static version number. Following package is not getting pushed via Azure DevOps and directly uploaded to Octopus as package once
I defined package version rule as suggested however it now fails the build from Azure DevOps as it stays following package(customer built) not found
Version rule log:
NewRelic-Primary User specified Range: FAIL Tag: PASS
Instead this package NewRelic-primary is available directly on Octopus as 22907 version