Occasionally NuGet Package versions will not load on create release

We’ve been having this problem occasionally, but it is happening with more frequency and we cannot figure out a solution. Occasionally when we go to create a new release the package version will sit at loading… See below:

Clicking the refresh button gives an error without a lot of clues for help:

We thought maybe it was the amount of packages building up in our NuGet package store, and one time moving some out actually fixed the problem, but it does not consistently solve the issue. Generally just waiting, refreshing, and clearing cache eventually gets this to work again, but it can take a long time for that to happen.

We are on version

Any help you can give will be greatly appreciated.


What are you using for your NuGet server? NuGet.Server, or a file share?
Unfortunately both of these have performance problems with large packages.

You might like to look at using this as a replacement - the performance is
far better:


Paul Stovell
Octopus Deploy
W: octopusdeploy.com | T: @octopusdeploy http://twitter.com/octopusdeploy

Ok, thanks for the info. I’ll give that a shot. Also noticed you may be adding an Embedded NuGet server (from your Trello), so that would probably help as well.