Nuget Repository Retention Policy

When configuring the Nuget feed retention policy I noticed in the documentation I could set a fixed number. Is that the number of packages overall? How do I configure this? Can I setup a retention policy to delete older nuget package versions of a particular prackage Id?


Hi Andy,

Thanks for reaching out!

When configuring the Nuget feed retention policy I noticed in the documentation I could set a fixed number. Is that the number of packages overall?

The documentation for the retention policy on the Nuget Feed shows you that you can set a fixed amount of Days to keep your packages, not an amount of packages.

Are you sure you are not talking about the Tentacle Retention Policies?,howdoIsetmyretentionpolicies?

Can I setup a retention policy to delete older nuget package versions of a particular package Id?

No, the rule will apply to all packages regardless of their ID. If you are looking for a more strict and granular retention policy setup, you might wanna take a look at “MyGet” or “ProGet” which are dedicated feed products that specialize in this area and have a couple more features for retention policies.
