We have a repo that’s controlled by RedGate, and triggering VSTS builds & OctopusDeployments correctly. However using (RedGate Deploy from Package) it assumes the database exists (and since it doesn’t - new deployment to a new db server) - and fails.
How do I get the database deployed and all changes since it was created sent to the new server. The 4 RedGate scripts I see in the community library don’t seem to cover this…or am I missing an important step?
Their documentation is quite extensive and should answer any questions you have. However, if you run into any issues with Octopus here that you need a hand with, please let me know.
If the documentation does not help you resolve this issue, you will need to attach a full deployment log for us to identify any issue that Octopus may be having here.
The following is a link to our documentation on retrieving a full deployment log: https://octopus.com/docs/how-to/get-the-raw-output-from-a-task