Multiple Config Transform files


I have a web application with several webjobs included (application is hosted in azure). The transformation of the web.config went fine but the ones for the webjobs are not. I do not see any trace or log for them.

I Added a Configuration transforms feature with following additional transforms

App_Data\jobs\continuous\Email\Cas.Email.exe.octo.config => App_Data\jobs\continuous\Email\Cas.Email.exe.config
App_Data\jobs\continuous\Alert\Cas.Alert.exe.octo.config => App_Data\jobs\continuous\Alert\Cas.Alert.exe.config
App_Data\jobs\continuous\Polling-Declaration\Cas.Polling.Declaration.exe.octo.config => App_Data\jobs\continuous\Polling-Declaration\Cas.Polling.Declaration.exe.config
App_Data\jobs\continuous\Polling-Producer\Cas.Polling.Producer.exe.octo.config => App_Data\jobs\continuous\Polling-Producer\Cas.Polling.Producer.exe.config
App_Data\jobs\continuous\WorldlineFtp\Cas.Worldline.Ftp.exe.octo.config => App_Data\jobs\continuous\WorldlineFtp\Cas.Worldline.Ftp.exe.config

web.octo.config => web.config

Is there anything I am missing here?

Kind regards,

I forgot the log

ServerTasks-19754.log.txt (18 KB)

Hi Sujith,

Thanks for reaching out and for taking the time to gather all that information.

I’m gonna need to ask you to follow the below steps to produce a more verbose deployment log that will allow us to understand a bit more what happened:

1) Add these 2 variables to your project

2) Create a new release (so the new variables take effect) and deploy it. If possible skip as many steps as you can and only leave step we are troubleshooting in order to avoid the noise in the log.

3) Send us the raw log of that deployment

Also please send us a screenshot of the contents of the below folders of your package using the Nuget Package explorer

  • App_Data\jobs\continuous\email
  • App_Data\jobs\continuous\alert
  • App_Data\jobs\continuous\polling-declaration
  • App_Data\jobs\continuous\polling-producer
  • App_Data\jobs\continuous\worldlineftp

What I want with that last request is to make sure that all the paths are correct.


Also please let us know which version of Octopus are you running.


I found a solution by doing the transformation at build time and using substitution at deploy time.

Your first tip is very valuable and I will keep this in mind when I configure my next application.

Kind regards / Meilleures saluations / Met vriendelijke groeten,
Your partner for innovative customs

Sujith Quintelier
M (+32) 495 89 20 50
T (+32) 15 46 08 46