In the above instructions it’s not clear what “InstanceName” refers to :
$instance = “InstanceName” #Name of the Instance.
$oldHome = “C:\Octopus\InstanceName” #Current home of the instance.
$newHome = “C:\NewHome\InstanceName” #New home path for the instance.
$appFolder = “Applications” #Name of the folder being used for applications.
Currently on my app/web server I have tentacle on my C drive :
Thanks for getting in touch! I’m sorry about the confusion here, and I’ve updated that doc page to hopefully provide more clarity on the instance name. I appreciate the input on how to improve our docs.
Instances are a way to separate multiple copies of Tentacle running on the same machine. If you’re running a single instance of Tentacle, the default name of that instance is Tentacle. If you’re unsure of the instance name, you can run the following Tentacle.exe command to list all instances on that machine: Tentacle.exe list-instances.
I hope that helps! Let me know how you go or if you have any questions or concerns moving forward.