Migrator still running 20 hours later

I have no idea if/when it will finish but the migrator is still running after 20 hours. This is with the --maxage=30 and --nologs options used.

Is it supposed to take this long? Should I kill it and increase the memory on the VM from 8GB to 32GB? Will that help? Or should I let it run out?

I’m now 44 hours into this run. My backup file was 675MB. Am I just supposed to let this run indefinitely?


Thanks for getting in touch! A backup that sized, with that maxage and no logs should not have taken more than about an hr.
You should kill the process. A way to check if it is still running is to tail the migrator logs or see if the filesize is changing. Generally the logs are the part that takes the longest, it does sound like it has crashed.

What version are you trying to migrate to?


I’m at 68 hours now. It is definitely running as the logs size is going up. It looks like it gets written every 15 minutes and the console updates occasionally too.

Based on your recommendation I’m going to kill it, increase the memory and start again.


I am wondering if this is based off which version you are attempting to upgrade to, as --no-logs was added quite recently and it does sound like it was ignored.

What version of the installer are you using?


Beginning of the last log:
2016-04-30 12:11:57.0277 1 DEBUG Checking to see if database upgrade is required…
2016-04-30 12:11:59.3990 1 INFO Beginning database upgrade
2016-04-30 12:11:59.3990 1 INFO Fetching list of already executed scripts.
2016-04-30 12:11:59.5238 1 INFO No new scripts need to be executed - completing.
2016-04-30 12:12:00.8498 1 DEBUG Ensuring roles are applied to Octopus Administrators
2016-04-30 12:12:00.8498 1 DEBUG Ensuring roles are applied to Everyone
2016-04-30 12:12:01.2710 1 INFO Migrator assembly version 3.3.10+Branch.master.Sha.365b9921133c9490a3ac820844cbb8edb603873f
2016-04-30 12:12:01.2710 1 INFO Skipping task log import
2016-04-30 12:12:01.2710 1 INFO Maxage parameter restricts history to anything after 3/30/2016 4:11:52 PM +00:00
2016-04-30 12:12:01.3022 1 INFO
2016-04-30 12:12:01.3022 1 INFO Add destination documents to identity map

Interesting. It is included in that version. Increasing RAM will help, dramatically.
What does the end of the migrator log look like? It can be found in C:\Octopus\logs in standard install location.


These are the last few lines before I killed it:

2016-05-03 06:06:55.8223 1 DEBUG Created Event “pwitt@footballfanatics.wh” (events-74279 -> Events-131892)
2016-05-03 06:06:55.8223 1 DEBUG Converting VariableSet variableset-deployments-29175
2016-05-03 06:06:55.8223 1 DEBUG Converting ServerTask ServerTasks-56178
2016-05-03 06:06:55.8379 1 DEBUG ServerTask ServerTasks-40172 replaced deployments-29175 with Deployments-31480
2016-05-03 06:06:55.8379 1 DEBUG Created ServerTask “Deploy” (ServerTasks-56178 -> ServerTasks-40172)
2016-05-03 06:26:19.1679 1 DEBUG Converting Deployment deployments-29175
2016-05-03 06:55:30.3639 1 DEBUG Created Deployment “Deploy to Development Stack 02” (deployments-29175 -> Deployments-31480)
2016-05-03 06:55:30.8475 1 DEBUG Converting VariableSet variableset-deployments-29176
2016-05-03 06:55:30.9255 1 DEBUG Converting ServerTask ServerTasks-56179
2016-05-03 07:33:33.8890 1 DEBUG ServerTask ServerTasks-40173 replaced deployments-29176 with Deployments-31481

Bumped the memory up to 32gb and ran the same command again. Finished in 10 minutes. No idea what the issue was but it seems to be resolved.

Ran it again without the maxage settting and it completed in 75 minutes.

Thanks for your help.


Great to hear it. Those numbers are much more what I would expect!
