I know there are discussions and documentation about coordinating multiple projects (such as [here](https://octopus.com/docs/deployment-process/projects/coordinating-multiple-projects or here). But I haven’t seen anything that specifically addresses our need, which is to be able to manually deploy a coordinated set of projects based on the releases that were deployed in a particular environment. In other words, I want to be able to say “now deploy all projects at the version/release level that you find in ENV1 into ENV2”. But only do that when manually triggered, because the QA team needs to either trigger it or at least be aware when it happens so that they can keep track of when new versions are deployed into the coordinated projects.
This should be scriptable and that may be the only way to do it. But I wanted to see if anyone knew of a way I could do this directly in Octopus, maybe using some combination of the Manual Intervention step and the Deploy a Release step and maybe channels. I just can’t figure out an easy way to have Octopus select the latest version that would then get deployed into a particular environment.