I have a simple test deployment process and all seem fine
my test packages ar deploying but Octopus does not execute the scripts and the manual intervention is not appearing
on the client server and I can’t find out why. but on the Octopus server itself, it doses not show any problem.
is there some kind of adminestrativ right thet need to give to the octopus tantakel or somthing?
sorry for my English.
Hi Lio,
Thanks for getting in touch. We should be able to get you up and running quickly. Can you take some screenshots of your project’s deployment process and attach your deployment logs so I can try to see what’s happening.
Looking forward to your reply.
Hi Rob,
Thanks for your quick response, I uploaded screenshots
as you can see the process stops at the “manual intervention is requested”.
and the problem is on the client server, nothing is happening there…not a request or anything ells.
And also step number 2 is not really executed on client side
nothing is happening there and the Calculator is not opening.
but the log shows no problem.
I think the problem is I am a newbie, and Octopus server is ok,
and there it no problem at all. it should be this way probably.
Hi Lio,
Thanks for the replies and sorry for the delay. I reviewed your screenshots and things do look good. The screenshot of your deployment process shows the manual intervention step and it looked like it was pausing the deployment in one of your other screenshots.
If you need a bit more info on how to get started with Octopus, I’d suggest reviewing the videos at https://octopus.com/videos and looking at our documentation at http://docs.octopus.com/.
Hope this helps!
Thank you for your replay.
I have another problem… I don’t want to open another post so I will ask here
can someone help whit this problem? I don’t know what is wrong whit msbuild.
also, I tried to use Octo.exe but I don’t know where to put the exe file
do I need to Add some Locations to the PATH Environment Variable or how can I use it?
Hi Lio,
Thanks for following-up. I took a look at the latest screenshot and it looks like it’s a generic build failure and not an octopack issue. Based on the error message, it looks like you have a space in the solution directory path. I would guess if you removed the space in the world “Solut ions” it would resolve the issue. You should be able to play around with the paths and get it working.
In regards to using octo.exe, it’s also a great way to package and push projects but I’d recommend sticking with octopack as it’s the simplest option to package applications. That said, I generally put octo.exe in a well known directory (i.e. c:\util) which is in my user account’s PATH environment variable.
Hope this helps.
Thanks for your answer!
I removed the space and it worked.
but now I get another error and I don’t know why.
I enabled the NuGet restore as it says and committed the package as it says,
but the error is not going away.
In regards to using octo.exe, I need to use Octo with Jenkins in order to automate
the deployment, is Octo.exe the way to go?
Hi Lio,
Thanks for the reply. In regards to the build error, I found a couple previous support questions on this error and there were a few good suggestions. The first is to ensure your nuget.targets file is checked into source control. The other main one is to ensure your project file contains something like the following:
<Import Project="..\packages\OctoPack.3.0.71\tools\OctoPack.targets" Condition="Exists('..\packages\OctoPack.3.0.71\tools\OctoPack.targets')" />
<Target Name="EnsureOctoPackImported" BeforeTargets="BeforeBuild" Condition="'$(OctoPackImported)' == ''">
<Error Condition="!Exists('..\packages\OctoPack.3.0.71\tools\OctoPack.targets') And ('$(RunOctoPack)' != '' And $(RunOctoPack))" Text="You are trying to build with OctoPack, but the NuGet targets file that OctoPack depends on is not available on this computer. This is probably because the OctoPack package has not been committed to source control, or NuGet Package Restore is not enabled. Please enable NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=317567." HelpKeyword="BCLBUILD2001" />
<Error Condition="Exists('..\packages\OctoPack.3.0.71\tools\OctoPack.targets') And ('$(RunOctoPack)' != '' And $(RunOctoPack))" Text="OctoPack cannot be run because NuGet packages were restored prior to the build running, and the targets file was unavailable when the build started. Please build the project again to include these packages in the build. You may also need to make sure that your build server does not delete packages prior to each build. For more information, see http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=317568." HelpKeyword="BCLBUILD2002" />
You’ll probably need to persevere to resolve any minor build errors like this. Googling for the error messages often returns up a number of suggested solutions. If you continue to have build errors, can you post your project’s .csproj
file, your packages.config
file and a screenshot of your solution’s packages folder contents?
Once you have your application packaging correctly, the the next step is to make the package accessible to Octopus. The easiest way to do this is to push it to the built-in Octopus package repository. There are several ways to achieve this. The simplest is to add another command line parameter to octopack and it will push the packages to your octopus server automatically. More information on this is available at the following URL.
Alternately, you can use octo.exe
to push your packages. octo.exe
also has a lot of other useful commands like creating and deploying releases. More information on octo.exe is available at the following URL.
I’ll also point you towards our Jenkins integration page as it’s quite helpful. http://docs.octopusdeploy.com/display/OD/Jenkins
Hope this helps.
The problem he’s been solved.
Hi Lio,
Great to hear you got things working. Sometimes these issues need a bit of perseverance.