I want to buy an Octopus license and I have a question
I want to know the difference between Target and Tentacle.
For example :
I have two project: IIS + Windows Service
I have 3 environments to deploy:
Server for IIS: I installed 1 Tentacle
Server for Windows Service: I installed 1 Tentacle in the server and configured a target in Octopus
Server for IIS: I installed 1 Tentacle in the server and configured a target in Octopus
Server for Windows Service: I installed 1 Tentacle in the server and configured a target in Octopus
Server for IIS: I installed 1 Tentacle in the server and configured a target in Octopus
Server for Windows Service: I installed 1 Tentacle in the server and configured a target in Octopus
If I have another project which uses the same server, I won’t need the new targets?
How can I calculate the targets I base on the numbers of the used servers?
If I have 100 servers I would need 100 targets ?
At the simplest level, a target is a single machine or VM. That machine could potentially have multiple Tentacle instances configured on it, but as long as they all share the same DNS/IP within Octopus, they will be grouped as a single target.
This also means that if you use the Spaces feature and wanted the same machine to be available in all of your Spaces. This can be done and Octopus would only count it as a single target.
So, yes, if you have 100 servers you will need 100 targets.
Hello @paul.calvert,
Thanks for this response.
I did test so I using free version with 10 target now, I configured my 10 ten target for 10 VM
I have two space : Space A and Space B
Test 1 :
In Space A : I have target T1 with DNS : zapplwsec0001 and part 109333
In Space B : I try configure target same T1 with same DNS : zapplwsec0001 and same part 109333
I have this message :
There was a problem with your request.
You cannot create another target. This will exceed the limits of your current license. Please contact sales@octopus.com to upgrade your licence.
but octopus
Test 2 :
In Space A : I have target T1 with DNS : zapplwsec0001 and part 109333
In Space A : I try configure target T11 with same DNS : zapplwsec0001 and other port 109340 (I installed another tantacle in zapplwsec0001 )
I have this message :
There was a problem with your request.
You cannot create another target. This will exceed the limits of your current license. Please contact sales@octopus.com to upgrade your licence.
if I understood your answer correctly, I must not have this error message for test 1 and test 2 ?
Test 1: This looks like it is a small bug with how Octopus is handling the target count. When I had 10/10 targets, I received the same error as you. However, when I had 9/10 targets, and I performed the same test and added a machine from Space A into Space B. I still had 9/10 targets afterwards.
It seems that we block any targets being added when at the limit, even if that machine shouldn’t count against the limit. I’ll raise this internally to see if we can improve this.
Test 2: This is my fault, I was incorrect in my earlier description. The deployment target count is performed using the Tentacle URL field, not the DNS field. This means that it includes the port number, so, multiple instances of tentacles will be counted as separate deployment targets.
e.g. the top two targets are counted separately even though they exist on the same machine, because they have different URLs.