Library Variable Set Error since upgrading to 3.17.2

I updated from v3.15.8 to v3.17.2 over the weekend and today our developers are seeing the following message when trying to open a library variable set:

You do not have permission to perform this action. Please contact your Octopus administrator. Missing permission: VariableView
This action requires permission to view variables belonging to a project or library variable set. At least one of your teams has this permission in a limited scope, but this doesn’t cover the project or environment in question.

This variable set contains items scoped to various environments, roles, etc.

I found this change that was implemented in v3.17.1 which I believe is why we’re seeing the issue:

I’m still a bit confused though as our Developers belong to the following groups:

  1. A custom role (scoped to all projects & environments), with LibraryVariableSetView, VariableView, VariableViewUnscoped, etc.
  2. Project Lead/Project Deployer/Project Initiator (scoped to Development and Training Environments and six project groups)
  3. An all-IT group, that gives them Project Viewer role to six project groups (not scoped to environment)

I feel like #1 above should be all that they would need to view library variable sets and I’m not sure what I’m missing.



Hi Nick,

Thanks for getting in touch. Yes good find on Issue 3591 the objective was locking down permissions further for an edge case so it seems there’s more edge cases now.

If it’s causing you serious problems, it will be safe for you to rollback to 3.17.0. I’ll keep you updated with our progress and the outcome.


Hello again,

We’ve shipped a patch for this today in 3.17.5, it’s a full revert of the change that cause the bug you’re experiencing.

It’s available at:


Perfect - thanks Nick!

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