Issue in Deleting the Accounts from Infracture Tab

Hi Team,

We are trying to delete a Account added to Infrastructure Tab Accounts (Like AWS, AZURE or Username Password Accounts) and it runs for 2 minutes and throws an error without deleting the account.
Attached is the Screen shot with Error Message which we are encountering while deleting Accounts. But, when we do it from the SQL server DB and Remove from the dbo.Accounts Table it getting Removed and not from the UI.image


Hi Manojreddy,

Thanks for getting in touch.

The problem you are seeing is a performance issue in the query to check that the account you are deleting is not currently in use. The performance of this query was improved in 2018.7. It is purely for referential integrity.

Pressing the LOAD ACCOUNT USAGE button on the account edit screen will run the same query to find all uses of an account, this may have the same performance problem in your environment.

Deleting the record directly from the database is sufficient to remove the account, as long as you are certain that it is not in use anywhere, such as a variable set, deployment process, or project variable.
