Currently my hierarchy requirement is to add a Group under the existing group. This newly created group will have the projects. Could someone please help in achieving this.
Currently my hierarchy requirement is to add a Group under the existing group. This newly created group will have the projects. Could someone please help in achieving this.
Hi Sandeep,
Thank you for the question.
I believe this document should help you with adding groups in Octopus.
In addition to this, you can configure the projects that are shown:
I hope this has answered your question.
If anything is unclear, please reach out to me.
Kind regards,
Hi ziaul.islam,
Thanks for you reply. I used this very document to create the Group and the projects under the group. But what i need is to create a group under another group.
Hi Sandeep,
Unfortunately, there isn’t a way you can add a group within a group as far as I’m aware.
My suggestion to you would be within the Dashboard; you can configure what projects you would like to see.
This is my current dashboard:
After the configuration:
I can still see the projects within the Project Tab:
If this is not what you are after, I would suggest you create a UserVoice as a feature request as this could be something the community would like to have as an added feature.
Sorry I could not bring you better news.
Kind regards,
Thanks ziaul.islam