We have 2 tenants:
Tenant1, Tenant2
and environments:
Dev, Test1, Test2, Test3 (and some others further to Production)
Developers work against the Tenant1-Dev database and so we do not deploy database changes there as it would wipe everyone’s work in progress.
But we would like to deploy to the Tenant2-Dev database. Is there a way to achieve this?
The database deployment is one of the deployment steps of a project.
I guess I would like to configure the step to skip a particular environment (Dev) for a particular tenant (Tenant1) but that does not seem to be an option.
Other things I have thought about
- Can I create a run condition off a variable using the Tenant1-Dev deployment target name?
- Can a Tenant tag help? Maybe I could assign the tag to all the database deployment targets apart from the Tenant1-Dev one and then create a “Tenants condition” using that tag?