We are provision Azure Cosmos DB Account via an arm template.
After the DB account has been created we need to create a Database and Collections.
Currently, Azure PowerShell SDK does not support creating cosmos db document and collections.
So my only choice is to use az cli.
Create a database
az cosmosdb database create
–name $name
–db-name $databaseName
–resource-group $resourceGroupName
Create a collection
az cosmosdb collection create
–collection-name $collectionName
–name $name
–db-name $databaseName
–resource-group $resourceGroupName
We already have a tentacle installed on the octopus deploy server.
I am planning on installing az cli on the octopus server and use script step to create database and collection.
In the script I will login
az login --service-principal -u http://sample-cli-login -p Test1234 --tenant 54826b22-38d6-4fb2-bad9-b7b93a3e9c5a
and execute 2 commands above.
I am wondering if this will work. I don’t have a lot of time and I don’t want to spend time on this if there are problems with this approach.