can you please help me?
My previous colleague in our company installed Octopus Server on one of our VMs. He also obtained free license for it since we have only 3 deployment targets for our DEV env.
Now that license expired after 12 months. I am the only Admin for this Octopus Server instance.
How I can renew our license since I do not have the previous one? But please we need to keep the current Octopus data - I wouldn’t like to install everything from the scratch.
Can you please provide me detailed instructions?
Your first option would be, if you know the email address that was used to create the license, you could re-activate their email address within your org for a day and reset the octopus password, login to the account, change the email address for your license to something non-transient and get everything fixed that way.
The second option would be, create a new license with a non-transient email and input that one to your Octopus instance.
Please let me know if that helps or if you have any further questions.
thank you for you kind support and assistance as always.
Unfortunately the option 1 is not an option - we have very restrictive security policies for email accounts and something like this will not be possible. It will be very huge policy violation which will not be allowed.
For the second option can you please let me know what will be the procedure? Can I use my bussines email for this action? How I can require license and how I should input that into our operating already installed Octopus instance? Can you please send me more details?
Thanks a lot!
You would go here: Sign up for Octopus Server - Octopus Deploy
Sign up with your company name, and preferably use an email address that anyone at the company has access to, like a departmental email address or something like that(you can use your personal company email if necessary). Once you get your new license, you will go to your Octopus instance portal and go to the Configuration tab then click License you will paste the entire XML license in and save it. At that point you should be good to go.